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Post vacant

Online Course Curator

Departament: Content

Locație: Office

Nivel: junior-middle

Skillab is an online educational platform for people who want to develop their business. We help our students to become better professionals on the market, and we are about life-long education for everyone. We have our branches in different countries, such as Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Czech Republic, France, and we provide a great opportunity to enjoy international cooperation.

We are looking for an Online Course Curator to strengthen our production team. This person is responsible for the whole process of learning: provide our students with educational content, practice, and all things needed to be improved in order to make our courses the best. We are waiting for your application if you are ready to develop a deeper understanding of business processes.

Your future tasks will be:

  • to analyze the market and find out the needs of our audience

  • to form learning goals that must be achieved by students during the course and control the process of the course

  • to design educational programs (idea, concept, format of course) in cooperation with lecturers and prepare recommendations for the format of online lesson conducting, presentation of educational material, communication of the lecturer with students

  • to introduce the new methods and approaches to learning and analyze the feedback from students and lecturers

  • to create an engaging experience for students in chats (quizzes, posts, simulators)

You should:

  • have a desire to work with online education and have an impact on the learning process

  • be able to build relationships with people to mutual benefit

  • be able to research quickly, deeply, and explain complex things in a simple language

  • have a critical and structural point of view

  • not be afraid of being responsible for several courses at the same time

  • know how to turn point knowledge and tasks into a single system

We provide:

  • Competitive salary depending on your experience and skills

  • Full-time schedule with loyal approach, because the result is more important than time spent in front of a computer

  • Hybrid format with a combination of home stay and office work in Bucharest

  • All our courses and lectures are free of charge, and we also give compensation for any external trainings you are interested in

  • Covering half of your gym, swimming pool, or yoga membership after six months of working with us

  • A great mental outlook: you will be an expert in different subjects

  • Huge space for your own ideas and development

What our team members think about working here:

  • I love in my job the opportunity to collaborate with people from different parts of the world. You can feel a genuine spirit of partnership and teamwork. Everyone in the project is really dedicated to the company's mission. There is no boredom or stagnation — we are focused on the constant development. You can literally see when the simple idea of the team is growing into something global and got an immediate impact on our growth.

  • It is a perfect place for an employee to grow. The national team provides all the expertise and knowledge on different topics. Working in such fast paced environment gives you a strong and constant motivation for actions and self-improvement.

  • I love the fact that we started a new project on the Romanian market, different from everything I have seen so far in our country.

  • Every day is an opportunity to grow, since we take on different challenges every day that make us comprehend and do our jobs better :)

  • Among other things, I like working in the educational field and contributing in delivering quality materials for the ones who are interested in learning online with Skillab. Moreover, I like to be a support for the team.


Don't hesitate, we are already waiting for your application!

Mai multe cariere la Skillab

Poveștile echipei noastre


Georgiana Florea

Sales Rep

"Mă motivează să știu că pot contribui la ceva. E o mare realizare să reușesc să îmi aduc aportul, chiar și cu un mic procent, la dezvoltarea profesională a unor oameni care poate nu au mai participat la un curs niciodată. Poate la început sunt sceptici, poate nu știu ce îi așteaptă, dar când încep cursul își schimbă complet percepția. Am nenumărate mailuri și mesaje de la oameni care îmi spun că au cumpărat cursul ca urmare a interacțiunii cu mine. A fost mereu o mare bucurie să știu că i-am ajutat să ia decizia asta."

Mai multe detalii

George Bonea

Senior Copywriter

"Oamenii nu prea înțeleg ce face un copywriter. Mulți consideră că dezvoltarea unor materiale publicitare înseamnă doar scrierea unui text scurt și percutant. La mijloc, însă, este un proces întreg pentru a-i da viață mesajului. Un copywriter bun trebuie să învețe foarte multe despre societatea în care trăiește, să știe noțiuni de sociologie, antropologie, despre psihologia umană și cea a consumatorului. Așadar, lipsa curiozității a plafonat domeniul publicității din România."

Mai multe detalii

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